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What is ASTM A234 Carbon Steel Butt-weld Pipe Fittings?

  • Author:中燃管道
  • Origin:河北中燃管道有限公司
  • Time of issue:2020-01-01
  • Views:379

(Summary description)ASTM A234 Carbon Steel Pipe Bend Exporter, Carbon Steel WPB Pipe End Cap

What is ASTM A234 Carbon Steel Butt-weld Pipe Fittings?

(Summary description)ASTM A234 Carbon Steel Pipe Bend Exporter, Carbon Steel WPB Pipe End Cap

  • Author:中燃管道
  • Origin:河北中燃管道有限公司
  • Time of issue:2020-01-01
  • Views:379

ASTM A234 Carbon Steel Pipe Bend Exporter, Carbon Steel WPB Pipe End Cap, ASTM A234 Carbon Steel 45 / 90 / 180 Degree Elbow, A234 Carbon Steel Cross, ASTM A234 Carbon Steel Butt-weld Pipe Fittings Manufacturer in CangZhou, China.

ASTM A234 Carbon Steel Pipe Fittings
There is a huge list of fittings type which is common among industries. These are either wrought or forged. However, wrought fittings are produced with seamless pipes whereas plate is used to manufacture the welded fittings of large diameter. Moreover, they have varied ends for making different connections such as butt weld, socket weld, flanged, threaded, spigot, and buttress.
Pipe elbows
ASTM A234 Carbon Steel Pipe elbow is widely preferred than others due to its flexibility. The 90 and 45 degree elbows are standard ones but elbows of other degree or angle are also produced by cutting them to different angle.
Two varied radius elbows are also used that is short and long radius. The short radius elbow has 1 diameter whereas long one has 1.5D.
Pipe Tee
Tee fitting is in shape of letter “T” that has 3 open ends. Any end can be connected to the main pipe to work as an inlet and the other will work as an outlets. Two tee types are there based on their sides dimensions. Equal tee as per the name all of its sides are equal. Unequal tee has different dimensions for every side. Few more types are there such as straight, reducing, barred and wye or lateral tee.
Pipe cross
Cross has four opening where one works as an inlet and three as outlets or vice versa. Other ASTM A234 Carbon Steel Butt weld Fittings are coupling, caps, unions, reducers, and nipple.
ASTM A234 Carbon Steel Butt weld Fittings Specification
Specifications : ASTM A234 / ASME SA234
Dimensions : ASME/ANSI B16.9, ASME B16.28, MSS-SP-43
Size : 1/8” NB TO 48” NB
Type : Seamless / Welded / Fabricated
Thickness : Sch 5s, Sch 10s, Sch 40s, Sch 80s, Sch 160s, Sch XXS


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